Expectations .... we can find out together


Some thoughts before buying a puppy


We are happy to support you in your wish to take a dog into your life.

Together we can discuss whether the Portuguese Waterdog is the best breed for your lifestyle. And together we can find out if you and we and our dogs meet the mutual expectations.


There are various reasons to decide for a puppy or for a slightly older dog. First of all, a few basic thoughts about buying a puppy, which you should take care of regardless of the dog breed, be self-critical, open and honest. Basically the following considerations apply to all dogs:


Are you willing to invest enough time and patience to train a puppy and guide it through puberty? ▪ Are you ready to take responsibility for a social being? A PWD can get very old (there are many 16 year old pensioners) ▪ Are you ready to change your everyday life to a life with a dog? ▪ Are you ready to adapt your free time and your vacations to the dog? ▪ Do you have someone at your side to whom you can entrust the dog if you need help due to illness or emergencies? ▪ Has the landlord given his permission (in written form) to keep a dog? ▪ Are you prepared to pay the costs that will be incurred throughout a dog's life. Not only those of the purchase, but the daily costs such as food, dog tax, dog owner's liability insurance, veterinary costs, day care, etc. ? ▪ Are you ready to take responsibility for the dog, even if your life circumstances change (babies are born, children leave home, a separation or divorce, a change of residence or professional changes are pending)? ▪ Are you willing to visit a suitable dog school/trainer or dog training center with your dog? ▪ Are you ready to go outside with your dog even in bad weather?


Are you ready to answer further questions?

In our "Questionnaire for people interested in puppies" we get an overview, a common basis, which helps us to narrow down your and our wishes, hopes and expectations in more detail. We can only appeal once again to take a close look at these considerations.

Give us your time in filling out the questionnaire, in discussions and getting to know each other. Because our ambition, our goal is to find the best possible human-dog team for you with one of our diamonds of the heart.


You still want a Portuguese Waterdog?

We take time for you and are ready to answer all questions about us, our dogs, the breed in general and what it means to share your life with a Portuguese Waterdog.


We are looking forward to get in contact with you, even if the puppies have moved out a long time ago and we can follow the development of our Portuguese Waterdogs. We are also available to help with questions, worries or problems.

Below are our questions to you, which we would ask you anyway.

You can also download the questionnaire here.

Questionnaire for puppies interested people_OUTSIDE THE BOX
Questionnaire for puppies interested peo
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 192.1 KB

Questionnaire for puppies interested people 


▪ First name/Last name

▪ Address/Country

▪ Profession

▪ e-mail

▪ Phone

▪ How many people live in your household?

▪ If you have children how old are they?

▪ Have you already owned a dog or are you a first time dog owner?

▪ Are there any animals currently living in your household (type and age)?

▪ Is an allergy known in your immediate family? If so, which one?

▪ In what kind of apartment/house do you live? If for rent: Is there a written permission of the landlord?

▪ Has the future cost factor been considered?

▪ How do you imagine the puppyhood in everyday life?

▪ How long will the Portuguese Waterdog be alone every day and where is he during this time?

▪ Where does the PWD sleep at night?

▪ Do you have someone to whom you can entrust your PWD when illness or an emergency occurs?

▪ Have you thought about your planning vacation with your four-legged friend?

▪ Do you plan to visit a puppy/ dog school or club?

▪ What tasks and/or activities should your Portie take on (therapeutic use, hiking, cycling, dog sports, family dog, ...)?

▪ How active are you and your family?

▪ How did you get to know the Portuguese Waterdog?

▪ Have you already had (personal) contact with this breed?

▪ Do you have a wish concerning the sex of your water dog?

▪ Are you ready to contact us as a breeder for small and bigger problems?

▪ How do you imagine the grooming of the Portuguese Waterdog?

▪ Do you want to breed yourself?

▪ Space for your questions



▪ We do not want to restrict you - all answers are allowed. The more open and honestly you answer the questions, the better we can respond to our mutual expectations.

▪ For technical reasons the questionnaire cannot be attached directly to the contact form.

→  View or download the questionnaire - contact us - wait for an answer - return the questionnaire or tell us a little bit about yourself and your life in a creative and free way (following the questionnaire). Perfect!

▪ Filling out and sending the questionnaire does not constitute a confirmation or guarantee that you will receive a Portuguese Waterdog from our kennel.


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